It’s October, My Birthday Month and Time for New Beginning

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and a year since I posted on my blog. Me bad! The pandemic really set me back. Some writers were able to write and be productive. Me – not so much. Being locked down was a downer for me. I missed the mingling with fellow writers even with Zoom, it is not the same. I miss going to the movies. Hubs and I have not stepped into a movie theatre in almost two years. I never in my wildest imagination would have expected the turn of events that Covid has dumped on us. Or should I say lack of events. Sadly, here in Pasadena we have seen so many businesses shutter their doors and move out. We are fortunate that we have been able to retain our home and feel safe. I just haven’t gone out and miss going to the library to work on my manuscripts. I still have three in process – two sequels and one historical fiction. One of my sequels to Cache Under the Stacks is in the home stretch! Yay! My sequel to Starting Over has had a lot of words put on the page and I am anxious to wrap that one up. My historical may be in for some changes the more I think about it. We shall see. In the meantime I will continue attending Zoom conferences and meetings. It seems as time goes on that my writer friends have mastered the “art of Zooming.” It has been a saving grace during the Pandemic. So as I put my fingers of the keys on my computer, I shall work hard to get back on track and write! Productivity will be my mantra! Happy fall everyone!