An Update – What’s New with Me


It has been a long time since I posted anything, and I decided it was time to bring you up to date.

Last December, I was diagnosed with multiple Myeloma. It came as a huge shock to me, and for several months, I existed in a state of denial. I kept asking – Why is this happening to me? No one had an answer. I began treatment for my blood cancer and experienced ups and downs for the last 8 months. Fortunately, I was able to withdraw from one of my medications that was giving me so many side effects, and once I managed that with my doctor’s consent, of course, I began to feel better.

One of the things I regret is that my writing took a back seat. Not that I didn’t want to write; it was more that I had no energy or strength to sit down, but in a chair and hands on the keyboard. I became a couch potato – it was my place of comfort and safety. My spouse was having a tough time, which extended to me. He didn’t understand how I felt – what I was struggling with, and we argued – I wanted to be left alone, but he would not hear it. He practiced “tough love,” which didn’t work with me. The more he pushed, the more I withdrew. Fortunately, once my medication was withdrawn, my whole persona changed, and I began to emerge from the depression and feeling of sickness! Now, I can proudly say I am back to writing and finishing the sequel to my first book, Cache Under the Stacks. The sequel is Secrets of the Cache, and I am anxious to see it out there. Once submitted to my publisher, I can continue with the sequel to my second book, Starting Over, which takes place on the island of Kauai. I am looking forward to pursuing my writing career and reconnecting with everyone. Until then, I will persevere with but in a chair and hands on the keyboard.

Until next time – all the best to you and yours,


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