I hope you have all had a great holiday season. Mine was much better than last year, when I spent time in the hospital in mid-December and, by the time I got home, did not have the energy to do much but rest. But this year was GREAT! I enjoyed every second, and I think it was because Christmas 2023 was so difficult.

I am excited for 2025 and the writing I hope to accomplish since I have my energy back from treating myeloma, which has tested my endurance, hope, and positive attitude. My doctor and his staff have been fantastic, and I appreciate every one of them. But enough about my chronic illness, which I will continue to be treated for. Keeping appointments and following instructions has been key. The only problem that I have had to deal with other than the myeloma is getting depressed and worrying, but I strive every day to think about the positives, which I must continue to do every second of every day. I must push through and enjoy everything every day!

My plan is to bring you news about my upcoming publication, Secrets of the Cache, which we are finishing up now and hope to go to print this month. I will keep you posted.

Until then, I wish you all a healthy and happy new year.

Warmest regards,


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