Welcome to July!

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It is hard to believe we have half the year left before 2021. What a year it has been so far – COVID19 has taken over all forms of media and been our constant reminder of how fragile life is and to appreciate every moment. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe and healthy. Wearing your masks? I am every time I go out in public; the mask goes on. I can’t be too careful. We have gone out to dinner seeking restaurants that offer patio seating. I have had my hair done and a much needed Pedi. I carefully selected the salon where they social distance, wear masks, wipe everything down between clients, and upon signing in, take your temperature. It is close to my home, which is another plus. Seriously, I am making every attempt to avoid being around a lot of people. The fewer, the better! I try to stay positive and upbeat although I have my moments. I avoid a lot of newscasts but do watch once in the morning and once in the late afternoon to stay on top of updates then it is on to something else.

I want to step back from that and tell you about my latest writing adventure. I have gone back to writing the sequel to my first book, Cache Under the Stacks, while I continue with the sequel to Starting Over. You can find descriptions of both books on this website. I still feel a pull to continue to write my historical fiction set just prior to WWII and going into the 1940s. I keep falling down the research hole and struggle to get back up onto the page! Oh well, that is the fun of writing this genre.

I have copies of both books. If you would like an autographed copy – they are $15.00. Please email me at ccnaden@yahoo.com with your address.

Until next time, stay safe and healthy, practice social distancing and wear your mask! I cannot emphasize that enough. For me it is back to the writing desk! Have a happy and safe 4th of July.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jacqueline Diamond

    Hi, Claire! In case Frolic doesn’t publish my response, I wanted to reach out and let you know I’m happy to provide information about Fictionaires if you’ll email me.

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